Friday, June 20, 2014

I shall double my efforts....

Very easy week after Portumna 100km, I only did some walking and headed out for a 8mile cycle on Thursday morning as I wanted to allow the blisters to heal up properly.  Right foot feels fine now but blister on left foot is till uncomfortable when walking at times. Legs feel fine otherwise!

So anyway, I've completed three of my five goals for 2014, these have been:

- Run my first Back2Back Marathons
- Run a faster Connemara Ultra
- Run my first 100km
- Run a sub 3:15 Dublin Marathon
- Run a sub 1:30 Half Marathon

As you can see I have two goals left for 2014, the first of which will be in October with the Dublin Marathon and the half marathon I aiming for will be in Waterford in December as I always seem to manage a new personal best when running Waterford Half Marathon.

One thing I know at this stage is I have endurance sorted, if I can keep on my feet for 12hours doing a 100km (even if the pace is slower) then I have endurance sorted out.   The plan now is to work on my speed!

Last years Dublin Marathon had a target of sub 3:30, I wasn't far off this with 3:33 and in reality I would have managed sub 3:30 had I just stuck properly to my pacing.       Instead I upped the pace early in the race because of a) I wanted to catch the pacing group as I was 3min behind them and b) because I thought I was good to be able to hit 3:27.   So basically I got cocky and that was my downfall....oh well!

From my training runs I know that even as part of a training run I know I'm well capable of doing 12mile or 15mile run at a 7:30-7:40min pace as I've regularly done these as training runs. Something I wouldn't have been capable of doing this time last year as even a consistent 8:00min pace was a challenge.

So with that all in mind for a sub 3:15 I need a constant 7:27min pace, I think this is pretty do-able as all I need to do is work on speed.

Hopefully my feet will be all ok after the weekend and I can start back slowly into training.

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